Reviewing all things Doctor Who.

Sunday 28 June 2009

The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Christopher Bulis

Christopher Bulis has an atrocious reputation in Who fiction, however, having now read his two first Doctor books - City at the End of the World and Sorcerer's Apprentice, it certainly is not a reputation that applies here.

Sorcerer's Apprentice shines.

In all the attempts to overlay a fantasy world on the science fiction of Doctor Who, I don't think any attempt has been as successful as this novel, and yes I include The Mind Robber in that. Bulis really goes to town here, reveling in every cliche and having so much fun it's impossible not to be carried along with him. Of the basic Doctor Who story templates, Bulis chooses "The Search", but with his palette, he keeps it fresh and accessible. the only slight niggle is Barbara being sidelined by being not allowed to travel with the main party, she doesn't get much to do, it's unfortunate but the rest of the book more than makes up for it. At the other end of the scale, The Doctor and Ian really shine, as do the support characters who are fully realised and jump off the page.

The tension and pace is kept up throughout and builds to a nailbiting and satisfying finale that feels appropriate to what went before, even if the twist can be seen a mile off.

Bulis has written a lightweight book, it's frothy, it doesn't deal with any major issues, yet it's unbelievably fun and you really care about the characters, and as such stands head and shoulders above many Who novels that purport to deal with weightier issues and get dragged down by them. One of the best 1st Doctor novels, and a strong contender for the top ten MA's.

9 out of 10.

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